Today I received the news that The Society of Composers and Lyricists (USA) has accepted me as a member. Despite being an American society, they are open to composers from all over the planet. It is really a pride to belong to a musical society that has been fighting for a fair remuneration for composers, since 1945 (formerly called the Association of Screen Composers). In this link I leave you his whole story, really interesting.
In addition to your story, these are some of the things that have encouraged me to apply for your membership:
- Disseminates information about the creative and commercial aspects of writing music and lyrics for visual media;
- Presenta seminarios educativos para proporcionar a los miembros de SCL la información tecnológica más reciente que afecta a nuestra industria;
- Busca mejorar el lugar de trabajo y las condiciones de trabajo para mantener el más alto nivel de calidad en nuestras artesanías;
- Fomenta un sentido de comunidad y el intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos entre nuestros miembros y organizaciones relacionadas en todo el mundo;
- Proporciona oportunidades para el diálogo y el intercambio de información entre sus miembros y sus homólogos de la industria;
- Establece foros en los que los problemas a los que se enfrenta la industria de la música audiovisual pueden ser examinados y debatidos abiertamente.
The creation of scores and songs for visual media implies unique skills and presents special challenges. The SCL assumes a central role in helping composers and lyricists reach their full professional potential in a demanding and constantly changing field.
We have something very similar in Spain, Musimagen, of which I am also an associate member.